I’m a writer whose work has appeared in The Best American Short Stories, The New York Times, Michigan Quarterly Review, CrazyhorseFront PorchWest BranchLady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, and other publications. I’m currently finishing my first novel and working on a book of essays.

Originally from Kentucky, I live outside of Chicago with my family. I work as an artist in residence at Northwestern University where I teach creative writing to undergraduates. I also work as a nonprofit consultant at StoryStudio, a creative writing center.

I’m a long-time Buddhist meditator who is interested in the connection between spiritual practice and creative process. You can read my newsletter on weaving meditation, the arts, and the sensual into everyday life here.

For updates, favorite poems, and slow-mo reels of flipping through book pages, follow me on Instagram @ yes_like_coconut.